Thursday, October 16, 2008

Death of the Honda

Well it has been a long couple of weeks to say the least. On October 3rd Andy was hit by a drunk driver in Cedar city. Apparently the other driver didn't see the stop sign and bashed into Andy going about 65-70 mph. Luckily Andy was wearing his seat belt which probably saved his life. Andy is doing a lot better but initially was in a ton of pain. The car, well the title covers that. It's gone for good so we now have to get a new one. Hopefully we can all use this as a reminder to always wear your seat belt. Like many accidents like this one, it doesn't matter how good or bad of a driver you are. Andy was very lucky and fortunate to escape with the minor injuries he had. Thanks to everyone for all of your phone calls and emails and prayers. They were definitely not overlooked and we thank you all.


Sarah said...

Glad you're alright, Andy. We're so very glad you wore your seatbelt. Hurray for modern safety features!
Keep up the bloggin'!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for your blog! I remember a while ago when everyone thought Sarah and I were nuts for starting one!!!

Devon said...

I'm glad I found your blog! We'll be expecting lots of baby pictures on here when the little guy comes. Hope all is going well (and we're glad you're okay Andy!)

joyful said...

Poor Honda! But glad that all is well with you! When is your baby due?? Soon?
Aunt Rhonda

Sarah said...

Where are the pictures of little Andy???

Heather Bell said...

Oh my goodness, scary!!! Hope you get a hot new a van or something.=)